Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Witnessing for Linux

Bit by bit, I intend to document how I live a satisfying, scientific, business, finance, art and musical life completely free from Windows and almost entirely free from paid software.

I have so far felt no urge to blog -- but recently I have had a creeping sense that it might possibly be useful
to talk about how I live with Linux.

There is a tremendous amount of interest in Linux. A hacker friend said "The only thing that the net has more information about than Linux is sex!" Newbies are pouring onto Linux boxes, particularly with the advent of Ubuntu.

But still -- there could be more -- and still -- Linux is not without its challenges. So I thought I'd talk about
how I really use it -- and how I get done all the things that most people count on Microsoft for.


TangerineDREam said...

Linus is god, right? ;>)

pcardout said...

I guess that would be the implication. In fact, he's a personal god, and he answers our prayers via a system of forums and newsgroups. He has helper angels that manage the releases of the major distros, not to mention various prophets in charge of the various elements of his holy kernel.

We might even be able to cobble up some sort of trinity which includes Linus, Richard Stahlman and Guido van Rossum. Our new religion has a devil, of course, he was an angel but he turned to the dark side. We'll call him "Bill".