Friday, December 19, 2008

Sorting your album collection

Sorting an album collection was a fun thing to do in college. Now there are no albums and we are
too busy, but I know students still like to organize their MP3s. There are lots of tools for this -- but I
don't want any of them. Can't I just arrange my albums like files in directories? Of course I can, and
the Sansa Fuze allows this. Many other MP3 players (including the iPod) actually use the directory
structure on your hard drive to organize your music, but the Sansa does not insist on putting an overlay
on it. Yes -- it tries to sort your music based on ID3 tags, but those are very inconsistent. Do you really
have to edit them? Who has time??

The Fuse (and most programs, for example Rhythmbox) have a structure two levels deep.
The top level is assumed to be Genre or Artist or Band and the second level is album title.
In the second level directory are your song files.

There is nothing stopping you from arranging your two levels any way you want. For example, I made
my top level "Classical", then my second level, Composer_Conductor-Composition. Maybe it's not
the best, but it was easy -- and it met my need. My excuse was I wanted a directory of holiday music for coming festivities. I organized my collection with midnight commander
my favorite antique file management tool.

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